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Thermal underwear

Winter fishing and hunting are the two most common and most exciting activities that additionally require maximum preparation from a person. Avid fishermen go to the reservoir, despite the weather conditions and freezing temperatures outside the window. In order for your favorite activity to bring exclusively positive emotions and not allow you to freeze, you will need to prepare and purchase special equipment.

It is for this purpose that thermal underwear for fishing is used, which not only protects from the piercing wind, but also removes moisture from body to exclude profuse sweating. Today, such equipment is created using natural synthetic fibers, which are endowed with hypoallergenic properties. Therefore, even with prolonged wear, thermal underwear for winter fishing does not irritate the skin.

How to choose thermal underwear

Properly selected thermal underwear for hunting and fishing ensures excellent heat retention and effective moisture removal. Conventionally, such equipment is divided into three main categories:

  1. For active loads, it is customary to put on thin underwear under the outerwear, which allows you to quickly remove moisture from the body.
  2. For variable loads, it is accepted choose underwear with a warming effect and the ability to wick away moisture.
  3. For minimal loads, choose well-warming sets that do not very actively wick moisture away.

An important criterion when buying such thermal underwear is its perfect fit to the human figure. This is how you can achieve ideal efficiency during the operation of equipment.

How thermoregulation occurs in thermal underwear

The main properties of thermal underwear are to preserve natural body heat at the skin surface and remove moisture. It is especially important to use such underwear during winter hunting or fishing, when you have to sit for a long time in anticipation of prey and practically do not move. Such clothing eliminates the risk of frostbite of the body even in conditions of minimal physical activity.

Moisture-wicking types of thermal underwear contain more synthetic material. Thus, moist air, as if, is "pushed" to the surface and moisture condensation is carried out at the top of the fabric. This is due to the difference in temperature indicators - the temperature of the body and the environment. And natural fibers impede the removal of heat, not letting in the currents of cold air.

What you need to know about thermal underwear and how to care

When deciding to buy thermal underwear for winter fishing, it is important to extend its service life for account of compliance with some rules for care. The presented equipment is best washed by hand or in a machine, choosing a delicate cycle. At the same time, the temperature of the water during washing should not be higher than 30 degrees.

It is forbidden to dry the material, boil, iron and dry using foreign appliances (drying clothes on a hot battery, etc.). Thermal underwear should dry naturally. In the process of washing, choose special detergents designed for a specific type of fabric.

Buy thermal underwear in Fishmaster store in Kiev and throughout Ukraine

In Fishmaster store, different sizes of insulated equipment from popular manufacturing companies. Now, you can buy thermal underwear for fishing without leaving your home, setting the required price range using filters.

All products are original high quality products with a guarantee that meet safety and environmental standards.